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Raysha Vijendran

Raysha is a dedicated eating disorders recovery coach and a skilled social worker, uniquely positioned to guide individuals through their journey to overcome eating disorders and build a healthier relationship with food and their bodies.

Combining her expertise in social work with her specialization in eating disorders recovery, Raysha offers a comprehensive and empathetic approach to support her clients.

As a recovery coach, Raysha provides personalized guidance, motivation, and accountability, helping clients navigate the complexities of their recovery process. She works closely with individuals to set realistic and meaningful goals, develop effective coping strategies, and address the underlying emotional and psychological factors contributing to their eating disorders.

In her dual role, Raysha also leverages her social work background to understand and address broader life issues that may impact her clients’ recovery. She collaborates with other healthcare professionals, such as therapists, dietitians, and medical experts, to ensure a coordinated and holistic approach to each client’s well-being.

Raysha’s empathy, patience, and deep understanding of the challenges faced by those with eating disorders, combined with her social work expertise, make her an invaluable ally. She helps clients celebrate their progress, manage setbacks, and work towards a healthier, more fulfilling life.